Creative Writing Coaching for

Enthusiastic Young Writers &

Those Who Support Them

Book a Call with Stephanie


Are you an enthusiastic young writer in elementary, middle, or high school who is seeking constructive feedback on your work and personalized support in strengthening your writing?

Are you a parent or supporter of a young writer who wants to learn more about how best to encourage your writer's growth as an artist and resilience as a creative human?

Stephanie is eager to offer her writing and teaching expertise to you!


Stephanie is a mother who began homeschooling her two children more than a decade ago. She has created her own creative writing curricula and researched dozen (and dozens!) of commercially available options. From 2017 to 2022, she also served as the main adult volunteer and editor for the Girl Scout of River Valleys Press Corps, a safe space for girls to develop their own voices.

She has published academic, nonfiction, and magazine pieces, and was named a finalist in the Writers League of Texas Manuscript Contest. Her professional experience includes decades of legal and policy analyses and grant writing. Stephanie holds a Bachelor in English literature, a Master in Public Administration, and a Juris Doctor.


Please select an available meeting slot on the calendar below

to schedule your appointment with Stephanie.

Next, complete our Intake Questionaire so that Stephanie

may prepare to address your unique situation. Note that the Intake

Questionnaire must be completed before a time may be secured.

(Calendar may take a few seconds to load.)

After Booking Your Call

After your time has been scheduled, you will receive an email confirmation with the

call's details.

In order to make the most of our time together, please consider the following questions before our call:

(1) What issues have you/your child feeling the most stuck?

(2) What issues would you like to address first?

(3) What do you consider to be your/your child's greatest strengths?

Educating, empowering, and encouraging

eager young writers.

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